
Tropical Haven Jamaica


Meditation and Therapy

En-Kaku, the name of our tropical haven, means 'perfect realisation'.  It signifies peace and inner tranquility which matches the tranquil surroundings of this rural seaside home.  By allowing ourselves to be guided towards tranquility, we realise our inner selves and reach a better understanding of our lives which we can carry with us when we return home.

meditation We provide therapeutic and meditative breaks where you can recharge your emotional side as well as your physical enjoyment - this may be all you need - but for those who wish to take this further you can be provided with a full programme of therapy which will be tailored to your individual needs.

The therapy is provided by experienced therapists and includes indvidual work, couples and family therapy.


Common issues are relationships, coping skills and stress manaement, substance abuse and alcohol issues, anxiety and depression and eating disorders.

We also specifically deal with adolescent issues and problems with parenting and parent / child relationships.

SInce therapy is tailored to the individual and we like to focus therapy groups at particular times of the month, it is useful if as much notice as possible is given that guests wish to join in these programmes - please complete our feedback page to let us know your needs.